Debate Series

CUSS sponsors a series of community debates, conducted in the style of Oxford debate where participants consider a proposition with two people taking the affirmative side and two taking the negative. Each debater gives a speech, asks and answers questions from other debaters, and answers questions from the audience. Each team then gives a closing argument. The audience votes for their point of view at the start and end of the debate. The side that moves the most people wins.

The debate series started in January 2015 and will continue into the future. Debate is an important part of a vibrant democratic society, and these debates are designed to bring community members into conversation with experts, elected officials and other leaders to debate matters of shared local importance.

Debate #1 – Police Body Cameras

IMG_0212_2January 15, 2015, proposition: Police Body Cameras are an Important Part of the Solution to Police Violence. Watch the Video.

Hosted by Dr. Karma R. Chávez, Associate Professor, Communication Arts





Affirmative Debaters:
Amelia Royko Maurer (human rights and police reform advocate) IMG_0294_2Russell Beckman (retired Kenosha police detective and Innocence Project)

Negative Debaters:
M. Adams (Young Gifted and Black Coalition and Freedom Inc.)
Kabzuag Vaj (Freedom Inc.)

More than 100 people and several media reporters attended.

Media Reports:
Can Body Cameras Prevent Police Violence, Wisconsin State Journal

UW Hosts Debate About Body Cams, WKOW (also picked up by WVVA, WAOW)

NBC 15 Story

Debate #2 – Dane County Jail Renovations

IMG_0534_2March 12, 2015, proposition: Renovations to the Dane County Jail will ensure the Safety of Vulnerable People in our Community. Watch the Video.

Hosted by Dr. Sara L. McKinnon, Assistant Professor, Communication Arts





Affirmative Debaters:
Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney
Dr. Douglas Kramer (physician and retired clinical professor from UW)IMG_0539_2

Negative Debaters:
M. Adams (Young Gifted and Black Coalition and Freedom Inc.)
Nino Rodriguez (MOSES Jail Taskforce)

More than 330 people and several media reporters attended.

Media Reports:
Sheriff Defends Need for Jail Renovations in Debate,

Debate Over Jail Puts Sheriff on Defensive, Cap Times

Sheriff Mahoney Debates Jail Renovations with Opponents, WKOW

YGB and the Sheriff Debate Jail Renovations, Badger Herald

YGB Debates the Sheriff, Daily Cardinal